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M o n t h l y   P a y m e n t   P l a n

Don't miss a single event!  Sign up for all classes and events or as many classes as you choose throughout the year (at the early bird discount rate.)  You can even include prior recordings of events that have already happened. Then, set up monthly payments with one, low, monthly rate.  Below is a list of all classes to be offered in the months ahead along with a list of past events that are available to download.  Select each class that you want to take and then total the cost of all selected classes and divide it by the number of monthly payments that you would like to make. The resulting amount is your monthly payment.  If you are not sure about a class, just click on the name in the list below and it will take you to a full description page for that course. 


Select any or all of the following classes:

Select the classes you want to purchase, including prior class recordings.  Total all of the selected classes and divide by the total number of months you'd like to make payments (within the 12 months of the year.)  Then either mail postdated checks to us for each monthly payment, or, provide a credit card with authorization for each monthly charge. Complete the following form or sign and return the  Payment Plan Agreement* agreeing to these terms.  We will request credit card information separately (and privately). You can then participate in all of the selected classes as they come up and will pay the same monthly payment each month.  


*No monthly payment plan will be considered in force until the Payment Plan Agreement is signed and accepted by both parties.

For More information, please email our business office at

P.O. Box 265                                                                                                                 ©2023 by Twilight Productions.
Somis California 93066                                                                                                                                                    Powered and secured by synestar    
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P.O. Box 265                                                                             ©2024 by Twilight Productions.

Somis California 93066                                                                                                              Powered and secured by synestar    

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